First, you'll want to see if the problem lies with ALL secure websites or just one. If the problem appears to be with accessing just one site, then then issue is usually with the secure certificate associated with the site and only the site owner will be able to resolve this issue. On the other hand, if the problem persists will ALL secure websites then you'll want to follow the steps below to troubleshoot and fix the problem.
Do you receive an IE Security Alert like the following? Telling you the security certificate has expired or not yet valid?
Check your date and time settings
If this is the case, the first thing you want to check is the time and date settings on your computer to make sure they are correct. Follow the steps below to check this:
Double click on the time in the bottom right hand corner of the screen
in the System Tray
2) Correct any errors in the date and time and click OK to set it
3) Try the secure website that you were previously having trouble
If you are still having trouble accessing it, proceed on to the next section.
Check your settings for your Antivirus and Firewall
Many times a problem with your antivirus or firewall can cause this issue. If you are using Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall, follow these steps to reset your privacy controls.
Open Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall.
2) In the right pane, click Privacy Control.
3) Click Configure.
4) Click Default Level.
5) Click OK.
6) Restart your computer and try to access the
secured site again.
If this doesnt fix it, temporarily disable your antivirus or firewall and try the site again. If you can access the site after temporarily disabling your antivirus or firewall, then you'll want to repair or reinstall your firewall or antivirus to fix this.
For Norton Antivirus or Firewall, there is a good article here walking you through this procedure.
If, however, this doesnt fix the problem, proceed to the next section.
Check your browser's Cipher Strength
In Internet Explorer, click on Help, About
2) In the About screen, find the option for Ciper
3) If the Cipher Strength is 0 or anything but 128-bit, then the problem is with the security of the browser. Follow the steps in the following Microsoft Support article to fix this.;EN-US;q261328
Fixing other Problems with IE
If fixing the cipher strength does not fix the issue, then its time to look at other problems with Internet Explorer. A great tool for fixing IE problems is a program call IEFIX, you can download this file from the link below and run it to fix misc issues with IE.
Generally, in my experience one of the solutions above will be able to fix your problem with accessing or viewing secure web pages. If you have found another solution or are still having trouble, please email me and I'll be happy to help.
Reset Your Router
As a last resort, the problem may exist in your router. Remove the router and plug your computer directly into your cable or DSL modem. If you can reach secure websites after this, the problem is with your router. In this case, you may want to reset your router and run through the setup again. Refer to the instructions that came with your router for how to do this.
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